Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Concealment and Revelation of Mashiach and The Good News

After that Yehoshua made atonement for his own people Israel who did not receive him, he was taken up into heaven and concealed there from the world.  This concealment is the aspect of the grace which is created through his sacrificial death, in his offering for Israel and now continues on through his concealment above.

This grace is G-d's way of taking responsibility for Israel's sin, according to the covenant He made with Avraham. And this is what he began to do by setting apart unto Himself Avraham and his seed. He did this in order that He might take responsibility for Israel in its captivity to the sin in Adam and to redeem her from that slavery.

When G-d identifies himself in the first commandment as "Hashem Elohika, the LORD your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage," he is commanding Israel to have faith in him as the covenant G-d, who sets Avraham and his seed apart unto himself. The full obedience of faith in this commandment has always meant hope in the Good News of Israel and her Messiah.

For it is by this, His covenant of Good News, which He made with Avraham, Isaac and Jacob in the beginning, that G-d reveals to all nations who He is. This is the promised salvation unto the ends of the earth, which shall come with the revelation of the beloved Mashiach of Israel, who now is concealed in gentleness and graciousness toward her, toward Jerusalem his beloved, until the hour when her heart is strengthened to know and believe that he has kept His promise to her, and all Israel is saved.

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I, HASHEM, have not changed, and you, Sons of Jacob, have not become extinct. MALACHI 3:6